367 plants
Actaea pachypoda
Baneberry, Doll's Eyes, Dolls-eyes, Necklace Weed, Toadroot, White Baneberry, White Beads, White-beads, White Cohosh1 Cultivar/Variety
6 Cultivars/Varieties
Amelanchier arborea
Alabama Serviceberry, Downy Serviceberry, Juneberries, Serviceberry, Service-tree, Shadblow, Shadbush2 Cultivars/Varieties
Amelanchier canadensis
Canadian Serviceberry, Eastern Serviceberry, Juneberry, Serviceberry, Shadblow serviceberry, Shadbush, Shadbush Serviceberry5 Cultivars/Varieties
Amelanchier laevis
Allegheny Serviceberry, Coastal Plain Serviceberry, June Berry, Smooth-leaved serviceberry, Smooth Shadbush6 Cultivars/Varieties
2 Cultivars/Varieties
Aralia spinosa
Angelica Tree, Devil's Walkingstick, Devil's Walking Stick, Hercules' Club, Hercules's Club, Hercules's-Club, Prickly Ash, Prickly Elder1 Cultivar/Variety
Arisaema triphyllum
Bog onion, Brown dragon, Common Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Devil's ear, Dragon root, Indian Cradle, Indian Jack in The Pulpit, Indian Turnip, Jack-in-the-pulpit, Lady-in-a-chaise, Lord-and-Lady, Memory root, Parson-in-the-Pulpit, Pepper turnip, Starch wort, Three-leaved indian turnip, Wake robin, Wild turnip4 Cultivars/Varieties
Arum italicum
Cuckoo's Pint, Italian Arum, Italian Lily, Italian Lords and Ladies, Orange Candle Flower3 Cultivars/Varieties
Aucuba japonica
Aucuba, Blotched-Leaved Laurel, Gold Dust, Gold-Leaf Plant, Japanese Aucuba, Japanese Laurel, Japan Laurel, Spotted Laurel, Variegated Laurel10 Cultivars/Varieties
3 Cultivars/Varieties
Callicarpa americana
American Beautyberry, American Mulberry, Beautyberry, French Mulberry, Sour-bush4 Cultivars/Varieties