- 1 (current)
- 2
72 plants
4 Cultivars/Varieties
Celosia argentea
Celosia Plumosa, Cockscomb, Cockscomb Celosia, Fairy Fountain, Feather Celosia, Feather Cockscomb, Feathered Amaranth, Lagos Spinach, Plumed cockscomb, Plumeflower, Prince of Wales Feather, Quail grass, Red Fox, Red Spinach, Silver Cockscomb, Woolflower7 Cultivars/Varieties
2 Cultivars/Varieties
Chilopsis linearis
Bow Willow, Desert Willow, Flowering Willow, Mimbre, Willowleaf Catalpa, Willow-leaved Catalpa9 Cultivars/Varieties
1 Cultivar/Variety
Eutrochium purpureum
Gravel Weed, Indian Sage, Joe-Pye weed, Marsh Milkweed, Motherwort, Pride of the Meadow, Purple Joe-Pye weed, Sweet Joepyeweed1 Cultivar/Variety
13 Cultivars/Varieties
Hosta plantaginea
August Lily, Corfu lily, Fragrant Plantain-lily, Hosta, Plantain lily, White Plantain-lily4 Cultivars/Varieties
Houstonia purpurea
Large Bluet, Large Houstonia, Mountain Bluets, Purple Bluets, Summer Bluet, Venus' Pride, Woodland Bluets1 Cultivar/Variety
Hylotelephium sieboldii
Japanese Stonecrop, October Daphne Stonecrop, October Plant, October Stonecrop, Showy Stonecrop, Siebold's Sedum, Siebold's Stonecrop, Stonecrop1 Cultivar/Variety
9 Cultivars/Varieties
- 1 (current)
- 2