- 1 (current)
- 2
63 plants
Brunfelsia pauciflora
Brazil Raintree, Brunfelsia, Fransiscan Rain Tree, Kiss-Me-Quick, Lady-of-the-Night, Morning, Noon and Night, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Plant1 Cultivar/Variety
1 Cultivar/Variety
Campanula persicifolia
Fairy Bellflower, Fairy Bells, Peach Bells, Peach-leaved Bellflower, Petticoat Bellflower, Willow Bell6 Cultivars/Varieties
Clematis, Leatherflower, Leather Flower, Old Man's Beard, Traveller's Joy, Vase Vine, Virgin's Bower7 Cultivars/Varieties
5 Cultivars/Varieties
1 Cultivar/Variety
Lagerstroemia indica
Common Crape Myrtle, Crape Flower, Crape Myrtle, Crepe Myrtle, Indian Crape Myrtle, Lilac of the South39 Cultivars/Varieties
Lantana montevidensis
Pole-cat Geranium, Sellow's lantana, Trailing Lantana, Trailing shrubverbena, Weeping Lantana, Wild Verbena2 Cultivars/Varieties
2 Cultivars/Varieties
3 Cultivars/Varieties
Liriope muscari
Big Blue, Big Blue Lilyturf, Big Blue Liriope, Giant Lilyturf, Lilyturf, Lily Turf, Liriope10 Cultivars/Varieties
Phlox subulata
Creeping Phlox, Flowering Moss, Ground Pink, Moss Phlox, Moss Pink, Moss-pink, Mountain Pink, Rock Phlox, Thrift5 Cultivars/Varieties
- 1 (current)
- 2