120 plants
Big Seed Copperleaf, Chenille Plant, Common Copperleaf, Common Three Seed Mercury, Copperleaf, Cuban Copperleaf, Deam's Three Seed Mercury, Field Copperleaf, Foxtail Copperleaf, Hornbeam Copperleaf, Hornbeam Three Seed Mercury, Poiret's Copperleaf, Rhombic Copperleaf, Rough Pod Copperleaf, Short Stalk Copperleaf, Slender Three Seed Mercury, Three-seeded Mercury, Two Seed Copperleaf, Virginia Copperleaf, Virginia Three Seed Mercury6 Cultivars/Varieties
Acalypha hispida
Bristly Copperleaf, Chenille Plant, Foxtail, Philippines Medusa, Red Hot Cat's Tail, Red-Hot Cattail, Red-hot Cat Tail2 Cultivars/Varieties
6 Cultivars/Varieties
Asparagus densiflorus (Sprengeri group)
Asparagus, Asparagus Fern, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Lace Fern, Plumosa Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari, Sprengeri Fern4 Cultivars/Varieties
6 Cultivars/Varieties
18 Cultivars/Varieties
4 Cultivars/Varieties
Ceropegia woodii
Bushman's Pipe, Chain of Hearts, Chinese Lantern, Necklace Vine, Rosary Vine, String of Hearts, Sweetheart Vine5 Cultivars/Varieties
7 Cultivars/Varieties
Chlorophytum comosum
Anthericum Comosum, Chlorophytum, Ribbon Plant, Spider Ivy, Spiderplant, Spider Plant, Walking Anthericum8 Cultivars/Varieties
47 Cultivars/Varieties
5 Cultivars/Varieties
Curio rowleyanus
Bead Plant, Irish Beads, Necklace Plant, Rosary Vine, String of Beads, String of Marbles, String of Pearls, String of Peas1 Cultivar/Variety
Davallia solida var. fejeensis
Dainty Rabbits-Foot Fern, Fijian Hares' Foot Fern, Lacy Hare's Foot, Lacy Paw, Rabbits Foot Fern1 Cultivar/Variety
Epipremnum aureum
Devil's Ivy, Devil's Vine, Golden Pothos, Ivy Arum, Marble Queen, Pothos, Taro Vine9 Cultivars/Varieties
Epipremnum pinnatum
Cebu Blue, Centipede Tongavine, Dragon-Tail Plant, Silver Vine, Taro Vine, Tibatib5 Cultivars/Varieties
Euphorbia hypericifolia
Baby's-breath Euphorbia, Fluxweed, Garden Spurge, Graceful Sandmat, Graceful Spurge, Large-spotted Spurge3 Cultivars/Varieties