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Flower Bonanza Garden


Name: Flower Bonanza Garden

Open to the public? No

County: Davidson

USDA Hardiness Zone: 8a (2023)

Extension Demonstration Garden? No

Approximate year the garden/landscape was established: ca. 2007

What to look for: Think of a flower that says “Wow,” and it is probably growing in this garden. The homeowner wanted a long season of color. Careful selection of plants that bloom in spring, summer or fall gives flowers throughout the growing season. From showy daylilies to coneflowers and the impressive Turk’s lily, this garden is packed with flowers throughout the year. Seedheads and dried flowers provide interest in colder months.

Horticulture: Starting with the poor soil native to this area, this homeowner added a lot of compost to enrich the soil with organic matter. The results are obvious in the profusion of happy, healthy plants now growing in the yard.