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Juniper Level Botanic Garden: Souto Sun Garden


Name: Juniper Level Botanic Garden: Souto Sun Garden

Open to the public? Yes, by appointment and during Open Days.

County: Wake

Address (if public): 9241 Sauls Rd, Raleigh, NC 27603


USDA Hardiness Zone: 8a (2023)

Extension Demonstration Garden? No

Approximate year the garden/landscape was established: 2008

What to look for: The Souto Sun Garden was established in 2008 and named Eddy Souto Garden in Memory of Tony Avent's late friend and neighbor. Here you will find a large variety of sun-loving plants taking advantage of the open, sunny area and excellent drainage afforded by the raised beds.

Horticulture: JLBG is maintained by a team of professionals and volunteers.