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This garden also serves other functions:

Landscape Theme

Shade Garden

Landscape Location

Naturalized Area

Design Feature

Mass Planting

Resistance To Challenges



Shaded Slope


Name: Shaded Slope

Open to the public: No


USDA Hardiness Zone: 

Extension Demonstration Garden? No

Approximate year the garden/landscape was established: 2009

What to look for: The shaded slope in this garden was landscaped to stabilize the slope and provide four seasons of interest. The slope changes with the seasons as plants come and go. Each plant blooming or showing its foliage in its own time. The large, old Kwanzan Cherry tree was underplanted with a variety of shade-happy native and non-native plants. Some of the plants are dormant in the winter like the May-apples, hardy geraniums, woodland poppies, ginger, hardy begonias, celandine poppies, hostas, asters, bloodroot, trillium, and Solomon's seal. Other plants are evergreen like the strawberry begonias, hellebores, carex, and rohdea. The arum is green in the winter with attractive arrow-shaped leaves and dormant in the summer.
