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Resistance To Challenges

Foot Traffic

Functional Foundation Landscape


Name: Functional Foundation Landscape

Open to the public? No

County: Davidson Co.

Address: Welcome, NC

USDA Hardiness Zone: 8a (2023)

Extension Demonstration Garden? No

Approximate year the garden/landscape was established: Unknown.

What to look for: The foundation planting of this Welcome, NC home makes us want to stop for a visit. The heavy clumps of variegated liriope form a strong line from the driveway, across the front of the house, and around the Crepe Myrtle tree on the far side.

Repeat-blooming Encore® azaleas front the house. They bloom in the spring and continue to bloom off and on until late fall. A Kousa dogwood and Crepe Myrtle greet visitors on either side of the walkway.
