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Similar but less problematic plants:
Cyrtomium falcatum Cyrtomium falcatum
Nephrolepis exaltata Nephrolepis exaltata
Nephrolepis cordifolia is often confused with:
Nephrolepis exaltata Nephrolepis exaltata
Plants that fill a similar niche:
Davallia solida var. fejeensis Potted fern with lacy fronds and fuzzy, creeping rhizomes.
Nephrolepis biserrata Nephrolepis biserrata
Platycerium bifurcatum Platycerium bifurcatum
Nephrolepis cordifolia has some common insect problems:
Florida Fern Caterpillar
Fern Scale Insect

Tuber Ladder Fern Nephrolepis cordifolia

Phonetic Spelling
nef-roh-LEP-iss kor-di-FOH-lee-uh

A fern native to Asia's tropics and subtropics.  It has been introduced to other areas across the world and in some is considered invasive.  It is distinguished from similar ferns by the tuberous structures it grows underground.

Diseases, Insect Pests, and Other Plant Problems:

No significant diseases or pests, Watch for Florida Fern Caterpillar.

VIDEO Created by NC State Extension's Homegrown series featuring Mark Weathington, Director of JC Raulston Arboretum.

Profile Video:
See this plant in the following landscape:
Cultivars / Varieties:
  • 'Cute as a Button' (Trademark)
    dwarf variety of common Boston Fern
  • 'Duffii'
    dwarf form, gives off a lemon scent when crushed, double row of small rounded leaves on each side of a frond.
  • 'Lemon Button Fern'
    faint lemon scent, long arching bright green fronds with a single row of small rounded leaves on each side of the frond
  • 'Petticoat'
    rare variety, long fronds that together form in the shape of a petticoat skirt
  • 'Plumosa'
    slow growing, grows up 3 ft tall and 5 ft wide, erect to arching, 32-inch long fronds
'Cute as a Button' (Trademark), 'Duffii', 'Lemon Button Fern', 'Petticoat', 'Plumosa'
#houseplant#fern#tuberous#hanging baskets#non-toxic for horses#non-toxic for dogs#non-toxic for cats
Cultivars / Varieties:
  • 'Cute as a Button' (Trademark)
    dwarf variety of common Boston Fern
  • 'Duffii'
    dwarf form, gives off a lemon scent when crushed, double row of small rounded leaves on each side of a frond.
  • 'Lemon Button Fern'
    faint lemon scent, long arching bright green fronds with a single row of small rounded leaves on each side of the frond
  • 'Petticoat'
    rare variety, long fronds that together form in the shape of a petticoat skirt
  • 'Plumosa'
    slow growing, grows up 3 ft tall and 5 ft wide, erect to arching, 32-inch long fronds
'Cute as a Button' (Trademark), 'Duffii', 'Lemon Button Fern', 'Petticoat', 'Plumosa'
#houseplant#fern#tuberous#hanging baskets#non-toxic for horses#non-toxic for dogs#non-toxic for cats
  • Attributes:
    Life Cycle:
    Country Or Region Of Origin:
    Tropical & Subtropical Asia
  • Whole Plant Traits:
    Plant Type:
    Herbaceous Perennial
  • Fruit:
    Fruit Description:
    No fruits. This plants reproduces via spores.
  • Flowers:
    Flower Description:
    No flowers.
  • Leaves:
    Leaf Type:
    Compound (Pinnately , Bipinnately, Palmately)
    Hairs Present:
  • Stem:
    Stem Is Aromatic:
  • Landscape:
    Landscape Location:
    Hanging Baskets