Swedish Ivy Plectranthus forsteri 'Marginatus'
Other plants called Swedish Ivy:
- Phonetic Spelling
- plek-TRAN-thus FOR-ster-eye mar-jin-AH-tus
- Description
An attractive herbaceous perennial with variegated fragrant leaves in the Lamiaceae family. The leaves emit a mild citrus fragrance when bruised. In cold climates, it is typically grown as a container annual. It is drought tolerant once established. It also may be grown as a houseplant in bright, mostly sunny exposures. It is grown for its bright green foliage with ruffled white edges.
Prefers rich, humusy, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade. Best performance occurs in part shade or sun-dappled areas with regular and even moisture. Avoid poorly drained clay soils.
This variety is noted for its attractive foliage.
Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems: No serious problems. Watch for mealybugs, scale, and mites. Plants may be aggressive in the garden in frost-free areas.
- See this plant in the following landscape:
- Cultivars / Varieties:
- Tags:

- Cultivars / Varieties:
- Tags:
- Genus:
- Plectranthus
- Species:
- forsteri
- Family:
- Lamiaceae
- Life Cycle:
- Perennial
- Recommended Propagation Strategy:
- Stem Cutting
Whole Plant Traits:
- Plant Type:
- Ground Cover
- Perennial
- Habit/Form:
- Spreading
- Texture:
- Medium
Cultural Conditions:
- Light:
- Dappled Sunlight (Shade through upper canopy all day)
- Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours)
- Soil Drainage:
- Good Drainage
- Available Space To Plant:
- 12 inches-3 feet
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zone:
- 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b
- Flower Color:
- Pink
- White
- Flower Inflorescence:
- Raceme
- Flower Bloom Time:
- Summer
- Flower Shape:
- Tubular
- Flower Description:
- Pale pink to white tubular, two-lipped, in 6" racemes. Not showy.
- Leaf Color:
- Green
- White
- Leaf Value To Gardener:
- Fragrant
- Hairs Present:
- No
- Leaf Length:
- 3-6 inches
- Leaf Description:
- Scallop-edged, light green leaves. Variegated with creamy white margins on reddish upright stems that eventually lay down and trail along the ground as they get older.
- Stem Is Aromatic:
- No
- Landscape Location:
- Container
- Hanging Baskets
- Houseplants
- Naturalized Area
- Landscape Theme:
- Winter Garden
- Design Feature:
- Accent
- Border
- Foundation Planting
- Mass Planting
- Small groups