Xeriscape Garden for a Dry, Sunny Site
Century Plant Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo
- Description
Name of the Garden: Paul J Ciener Botanical Garden
Is this garden open to the public?: Yes
County: Forsyth
Address (if public): 215 S Main St, Kernersville, NC 27284
Website: https://www.cienerbotanicalgarden.org/
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7b
Approximate year the garden/landscape was established: planted in 2009
What to look for:
An amazing garden greets you in the middle of the Paul J Ciener Botanical Garden parking lot. A large rock and dirt mound is a garden for sun-loving plants that like heat and good drainage. Spikes, color, and textures make this a garden worth studying. Spanish dagger, spreading prickly pear, pussy toes, and sedums all put on a show.
The garden was planted on a mound of gravel and is not irrigated.
Century Plant Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Dasylirion sp. sending up an inflorescence. Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

In Bloom Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Sun loving plants Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0
Summer view Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo
Winter view Garden age: 9 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Winter view. Dasylirion sp. Garden age: 9 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0Spring
Century Plant Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Dasylirion sp. sending up an inflorescence. Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

In Bloom Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Sun loving plants Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0
Summer view Garden age: 8 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo
Winter view Garden age: 9 years Kathy Sill CC BY 4.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo