Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden in Wilmington

Stanley Rehder carnivorous plant garden Wilmington, NC Garden age: 8 years skdavidson CC-BY-SA 2.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo
- Description
Name: Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden
Open to the public? Yes
County: New Hanover
Address: 3800 Canterbury Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403
USDA Hardiness Zone: 8b (2023)
Extension Demonstration Garden? No
Approximate year the garden/landscape was established: Unknown.
What to look for: This Wilmington city park hosts a variety of carnivorous plants including pitcher plants, sundews and Venus Flytrap. Follow the stepping stone path to walk in and amongst the plants! The garden is leased to the City of Wilmington and protected by a conservation easement held by the Coastal Land Trust. In 2012, the garden was dedicated in the name of Stanley Rehder, a Wilmington native who worked tirelessly for the protection of carnivorous plants.

Stanley Rehder carnivorous plant garden Wilmington, NC Garden age: 8 years skdavidson CC-BY-SA 2.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Stanley Rehder carnivorous plant garden Wilmington, NC Garden age: 8 years skdavidson CC-BY-SA 2.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Stanley Rehder carnivorous plant garden Wilmington, NC Garden age: 8 years skdavidson CC-BY-SA 2.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Stanley Rehder carnivorous plant garden Wilmington, NC Garden age: 8 years skdavidson CC-BY-SA 2.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Stanley Rehder carnivorous plant garden Wilmington, NC Garden age: 8 years skdavidson CC-BY-SA 2.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo

Stanley Rehder carnivorous plant garden Wilmington, NC Garden age: 8 years skdavidson CC-BY-SA 2.0- Plants in this photo:Plants in this photo