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Pollinator Haven Garden in Sanford, Lee County


Name: Pollinator Haven Garden in Sanford, Lee County

Open to the public?: Yes

County: Lee County

Address (if public): 2420 Tramway Road, Sanford, NC 27330


USDA Hardiness Zone: 7b/8a (2023)

Extension Demonstration Garden? Yes

Approximate year the garden/landscape was established: 2016

What to look for: The Pollinator Haven Garden features native and non-native (BUT NOT INVASIVE!) plants that are beneficial to pollinators as nectar or pollen sources or as nesting sites. We also feature unusual native perennials, perennial-dominated borders, alternative parking lot island plantings, and pruning demonstration plants. We also feature demonstration raised bed gardens that mimic our Farm to ECE gardening partners.

Horticulture: We do not irrigate unless there is an extreme drought. Mulch (bark and compost) is used annually. We do not protect our plants from frost or cold with any extra protection. Fertilizer is rarely used. Perennials are minimally pruned and deadheaded. Crepe myrtles are pruned for demonstration purposes. Other woodies are pruned for health, proximity to structures and ability to access around them. Vegetable raised beds are managed using basic vegetable guidance: