Common Jujuba Ziziphus jujuba
Other Common Name(s):
Previously known as:
- Zizyphus zizyphus
- Phonetic Spelling
- ZIZ-ih-fuss JOO-joo-buh
- Description
Common jujube is a deciduous tree or large shrub that is native from southeastern Europe to China growing 15 to 30 feet tall with a rounded or vase form. The branches typically have thorns and can be drooping in appearance. The fruit is edible and has been used in China for many years but is just becoming known in this country. The fruits mature from green with an apple-like texture and taste to a brownish-purple wrinkled fruit that is date-like. It can be eaten raw, dried or cooked. Fruit set may not occur in its northernmost zone due to a too-short growing season.
This tree prefers warm and somewhat dry climates and is very tolerant of alkaline soils. It will grow in full sun to partial shade and prefers well-drained but moist soils. It will tolerate poor soils and drought. Use in an edible garden, Asian garden or naturalized setting.
- See this plant in the following landscape:
- Cultivars / Varieties:
- Tags:

- Cultivars / Varieties:
- Tags:
- Genus:
- Ziziphus
- Species:
- jujuba
- Family:
- Rhamnaceae
- Uses (Ethnobotany):
- Used in Chinese and herbal medicine for its effects on the nervous system
- Life Cycle:
- Woody
- Recommended Propagation Strategy:
- Grafting
- Seed
- Stem Cutting
- Country Or Region Of Origin:
- N. & E. China to S. Korea
- Distribution:
- United States, Mexico, Central America, South America, Asia, Africa.
- Fire Risk Rating:
- low flammability
- Wildlife Value:
- Attracts bees, butterflies, birds and small mammals.
- Play Value:
- Screening
- Shade
- Wildlife Cover/Habitat
- Edibility:
- Fruits can be eaten fresh, dried or cooked
- Dimensions:
- Height: 15 ft. 0 in. - 30 ft. 0 in.
- Width: 10 ft. 0 in. - 30 ft. 0 in.
Whole Plant Traits:
- Plant Type:
- Edible
- Tree
- Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics:
- Deciduous
- Habit/Form:
- Erect
- Multi-trunked
- Rounded
- Spreading
- Vase
- Growth Rate:
- Medium
- Maintenance:
- Medium
- Texture:
- Medium
- Appendage:
- Thorns
Cultural Conditions:
- Light:
- Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day)
- Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours)
- Soil Texture:
- Clay
- Loam (Silt)
- Sand
- Soil pH:
- Acid (<6.0)
- Alkaline (>8.0)
- Neutral (6.0-8.0)
- Soil Drainage:
- Good Drainage
- Available Space To Plant:
- 24-60 feet
- NC Region:
- Coastal
- Mountains
- Piedmont
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zone:
- 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b
- Fruit Color:
- Brown/Copper
- Gold/Yellow
- Orange
- Red/Burgundy
- Fruit Value To Gardener:
- Edible
- Display/Harvest Time:
- Fall
- Summer
- Fruit Type:
- Drupe
- Fruit Length:
- 1-3 inches
- Fruit Width:
- 1-3 inches
- Fruit Description:
- 2/3- 1&1/4 inch oval to round drupe. When immature and green it has the flavor of an apple. Matures to brownish-purple and becomes wrinkled like a date. Contains a pit with 2 seeds.
- Flower Color:
- Gold/Yellow
- Green
- Flower Inflorescence:
- Insignificant
- Flower Bloom Time:
- Spring
- Summer
- Flower Petals:
- 4-5 petals/rays
- Flower Size:
- < 1 inch
- Flower Description:
- 3/16 inch inconspicuous white to yellowish-green fragrant flowers with 5 petals that bloom in the leaf axils. Bloom time is late spring to early summer.
- Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics:
- Deciduous
- Leaf Color:
- Green
- Leaf Feel:
- Glossy
- Leaf Value To Gardener:
- Showy
- Deciduous Leaf Fall Color:
- Gold/Yellow
- Leaf Type:
- Simple
- Leaf Arrangement:
- Alternate
- Leaf Shape:
- Lanceolate
- Ovate
- Leaf Margin:
- Crenate
- Serrate
- Hairs Present:
- No
- Leaf Length:
- 1-3 inches
- Leaf Width:
- 1-3 inches
- Leaf Description:
- Shine green leaves are .75-1.75 inches long and 0.4-1.2 inches wide. Ovate to lanceolate in shape with three conspicuous veins at the base. Tips are rounded. Fall color is sometimes yellow.
- Bark Color:
- Dark Brown
- Dark Gray
- Surface/Attachment:
- Furrowed
- Scaly
- Bark Plate Shape:
- Square
- Bark Description:
- Dark brown to dark gray bark is blocky, furrowed or scaly
- Stem Color:
- Brown/Copper
- Green
- Stem Is Aromatic:
- No
- Stem Form:
- Zig Zags
- Stem Description:
- Brown stems with thorns
- Landscape Location:
- Lawn
- Meadow
- Naturalized Area
- Woodland
- Landscape Theme:
- Asian Garden
- Edible Garden
- Design Feature:
- Shade Tree
- Specimen
- Attracts:
- Bees
- Butterflies
- Small Mammals
- Songbirds
- Resistance To Challenges:
- Poor Soil
- Salt
- Problems:
- Messy