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Streptocarpus ionanthus is often confused with:
Episcia cupreata Episcia cupreata 'Silver Sheen'
Fittonia albivenis Leaves with pink veins
Plants that fill a similar niche:
Chlorophytum comosum Form
Goeppertia insignis Calathea lancifolia
Salvia rosmarinus Rosmarinus officinalis
Streptocarpus ionanthus has some common insect problems:
Mealybugs Found on Flowers and Foliage

Kenya Violet Streptocarpus ionanthus

Other Common Name(s):

Previously known as:

  • Saintpaulia ionantha
  • Saintpaulia tongwensis
Phonetic Spelling
strep-toh-KAR-pus eye-oh-NAN-thus

The African Violet is an evergreen tropical perennial herb to 15 cm.  A very popular potted houseplant that is easily distinguished from other desktop plants by its rosette of fuzzy leaves with long petioles and by its flowers in anthocyanin pigments, which are water-soluble vacuolar pigments that, depending on their pH, may appear red, purple, blue, or black.

As it is rarely grown outdoors, it prefers interior sites with bright, filtered light and moist soil, however, allow the surface to dry before watering, occasionally immerse.  It thrives in high humidity, so mist with tepid water when not in flower.  It also requires high fertility medium for continued rebloom. It is intolerant of dry air or very cold water.   

Consistent temperatures will also contribute to the plants health.  If the nighttime temperature is allowed to dip below 60 degrees, the plant will become stunted as temperatures rise and can experience a long recovery period.  Maintaining a temperature between 60 and 80 degrees is optimum.  

It is best grown in a mixture of 23 parts sphagnum peat moss, 2 parts vermiculite and 1 part perlite.  This mixture will allow the water to pass through quickly.  Add lime to balance the acidity of the peat moss.  Plant with the crown above the surface with the soil pressed around it.  Good drainage is essential.  Allowing water to sit on the surface can cause the plant to decay.  When watering, water from the bottom while keeping the leaves dry.  Watering the leaves can leave spots or rings. Plants mature in 2 to 5 years.

Leaves on the African Violet are referred to as lobes.  A low to medium maintenance plant, the removal of dead or yellowed leaves will maintain a beautiful specimen.  

African Violets have five different size classes:  micro-miniature, miniature, semi-miniature, standard, and large. The flower petals range is type and texture that include single, semi-double, double, frilled and ruffled, star-shaped, wasp-shaped, cup-shaped, and bell-shaped. Their two main growth forms are rosette and trailing. There are thousands of cultivars and each varies in size, habit, leaf color, flower color and flower shape.

Quick ID

  • Flowers are in anthocyanin pigments
  • Leaves are in basal rosettes & emerge from center
  • Inflorescence is a compound dichasium
  • Leaves are pubescent with red, pink, or purple undersides

Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems:  Generally disease free.  Insects that may damage this plant include vine weevil, thrips, mealybugs, mites and glasshouse leafhoppers. Overwatering is the number one issue with this plant.

The Clemson Cooperative Extension Home and Garden Information Center has a factsheet on common African violet diseases and insect pests.

VIDEO Created by Laura Barth for "Houseplants, Succulents, and Cacti," a plant identification course created in partnership with Longwood Gardens.



More information on Streptocarpus.

Profile Video:
See this plant in the following landscape:
Cultivars / Varieties:
  • 'Amethyst'
    standard size plant, single light purple blooms, and green leaves
  • 'Champagne Pink'
    semi-miniature, double, light pink flowers, variegated green and white leaves
  • 'Diamond Tiffany'
    standard size, semi-double, ruffled white blooms with pale green edges, and green leaves
  • 'Everlove'
    standard size, single, ruffled, deep pink with pinkish-white edges, and dark green leaves
  • 'First Kiss Blush'
    standard size, single, pink flower that is speckled with purple, and green leaves
  • 'Harlequin'
    standard size, single, ruffled edge, flowers are white with dark fuchsia edging, green leaves
  • 'Little Intermezzo'
    miniature, single, white bloom with dark purple center, and dark green leaves
  • 'Little Maya'
    miniature plant, single, dark red flowers, and dark green leaves
  • 'Little Ruby'
    micro-miniature, semi-double, deep red flower with green leaves
  • 'Lyon's Lavender Magic'
    single, semi-double, and frilled white and light purple flowers, medium green leaves
  • 'Nightfall'
    standard, semi-double to double, frilled, dark bluish-purple with dark green leaves
  • 'Persian Prince'
    miniature size plant, semi-double dark purple flowers, medium green scalloped leaves
'Amethyst', 'Champagne Pink', 'Diamond Tiffany', 'Everlove', 'First Kiss Blush', 'Harlequin', 'Little Intermezzo', 'Little Maya', 'Little Ruby', 'Lyon's Lavender Magic', 'Nightfall', 'Persian Prince'
#purple#evergreen#houseplant#white flowers#purple flowers#frost tender#blue flowers#showy leaves#interiorscape#herbaceous#herbaceous perennial#hairy leaves#subshrub#fantz#compact habit#ebh-h#non-toxic for horses#non-toxic for dogs#non-toxic for cats#compact#container plant#perennial#dry air tolerant#greenhouse plant#4h
Cultivars / Varieties:
  • 'Amethyst'
    standard size plant, single light purple blooms, and green leaves
  • 'Champagne Pink'
    semi-miniature, double, light pink flowers, variegated green and white leaves
  • 'Diamond Tiffany'
    standard size, semi-double, ruffled white blooms with pale green edges, and green leaves
  • 'Everlove'
    standard size, single, ruffled, deep pink with pinkish-white edges, and dark green leaves
  • 'First Kiss Blush'
    standard size, single, pink flower that is speckled with purple, and green leaves
  • 'Harlequin'
    standard size, single, ruffled edge, flowers are white with dark fuchsia edging, green leaves
  • 'Little Intermezzo'
    miniature, single, white bloom with dark purple center, and dark green leaves
  • 'Little Maya'
    miniature plant, single, dark red flowers, and dark green leaves
  • 'Little Ruby'
    micro-miniature, semi-double, deep red flower with green leaves
  • 'Lyon's Lavender Magic'
    single, semi-double, and frilled white and light purple flowers, medium green leaves
  • 'Nightfall'
    standard, semi-double to double, frilled, dark bluish-purple with dark green leaves
  • 'Persian Prince'
    miniature size plant, semi-double dark purple flowers, medium green scalloped leaves
'Amethyst', 'Champagne Pink', 'Diamond Tiffany', 'Everlove', 'First Kiss Blush', 'Harlequin', 'Little Intermezzo', 'Little Maya', 'Little Ruby', 'Lyon's Lavender Magic', 'Nightfall', 'Persian Prince'
#purple#evergreen#houseplant#white flowers#purple flowers#frost tender#blue flowers#showy leaves#interiorscape#herbaceous#herbaceous perennial#hairy leaves#subshrub#fantz#compact habit#ebh-h#non-toxic for horses#non-toxic for dogs#non-toxic for cats#compact#container plant#perennial#dry air tolerant#greenhouse plant#4h
  • Attributes:
    Life Cycle:
    Recommended Propagation Strategy:
    Leaf Cutting
    Country Or Region Of Origin:
    Eastern & South Western Tanzania
    Play Value:
    Attractive Flowers
    Height: 0 ft. 6 in. - 0 ft. 9 in.
    Width: 0 ft. 6 in. - 0 ft. 9 in.
  • Whole Plant Traits:
    Plant Type:
    Growth Rate:
  • Cultural Conditions:
    Deep shade (Less than 2 hours to no direct sunlight)
    Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours)
    Soil Texture:
    Loam (Silt)
    Soil pH:
    Acid (<6.0)
    Neutral (6.0-8.0)
    Soil Drainage:
    Good Drainage
    Available Space To Plant:
    Less than 12 inches
    USDA Plant Hardiness Zone:
    11a, 11b, 12a, 12b
  • Flowers:
    Flower Color:
    Flower Inflorescence:
    Flower Value To Gardener:
    Flower Bloom Time:
    Flower Shape:
    Flower Petals:
    4-5 petals/rays
    Flower Size:
    < 1 inch
    Flower Description:
    Inflorescence dichasium to small cyme on a scape that rises above the leaves, flowers 3-10. Flowers light blue to purple to white, to .9 inches diameter, single to double; calyx 5-parted; corolla tube short, cylindrical, opening to 2 lips, upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed; stamens 2 (-5), anthers yellow, style exerted. Buds, pedicels, and sepals are pubescent.
  • Leaves:
    Leaf Color:
    Leaf Feel:
    Leaf Value To Gardener:
    Leaf Type:
    Leaf Arrangement:
    Leaf Shape:
    Leaf Margin:
    Hairs Present:
    Leaf Length:
    1-3 inches
    Leaf Width:
    1-3 inches
    Leaf Description:
    The thick, wrinkled leaves form basal rosettes, are simple, ovate to orbicular, obtuse, crenate, highly pubescent. Medium to dark green above, red, pink, or purple beneath. Petioles are long in proportion to the leaf blade and may be green or red.
  • Stem:
    Stem Color:
    Stem Is Aromatic:
    Stem Surface:
    Hairy (pubescent)
    Stem Description:
    green acaulescent
  • Landscape:
    Landscape Location:
    Frequent Insect Problems