Fireweed Erechtites hieraciifolius
Other Common Name(s):
Other plants called Fireweed:
- Phonetic Spelling
- e-REK-ti-tees hi-er-ay-see-ih-FOH-lee-a
- Description
American burnweed is in the Asteraceae (daisy) family native to the Americas. It prefers man-made or disturbed habitats (roadsides, railway lines, ditches), coastal areas, shores of lakes and rivers, meadows and fields, wetland margins. It is often found in sites associated with beaver activities causing cyclical flooding and drainage and is a common landscape weed. Population explosions may occur in these habitats after human-induced disturbances or other conditions where competition is reduced, but they generally die back as natural succession leads to less open environments. This weedy species is not recommended for most NC gardens.
The plant often branches and grows in a clump with multiple stems. This plant grows very quickly up to 8 to 10 feet tall generally on coastal or meadow sites and is resistant to urban conditions.
Flower heads of American burnweed are held upright, whereas thickhead flowers droop downward. Plants flower in summer to early fall then die after frost. Seeds are wind-dispersed and can produce multiple generations each growing season. This species benefits from fire and is often one of the earliest pioneer species of areas that have recently burned, hence some of its common names. It prefers moist sites but can handle gravelly soil and some degree of dry conditions. It also grows well in urban areas and around humans.
Insects, Diseaes, and Other Plant Problems: Hand removal of this weed is possible because the roots are fibrous and shallow attached to a short taproot. Hoeing or cultivation also works on small populations. Large populations can be managed with broad-spectrum herbicides but most single-active ingredient herbicides are less effective.
- See this plant in the following landscape:
- Cultivars / Varieties:
- Tags:

- Cultivars / Varieties:
- Tags:
- Genus:
- Erechtites
- Species:
- hieraciifolius
- Family:
- Asteraceae
- Uses (Ethnobotany):
- Oil from the plant is used to treat a variety of ailments.
- Life Cycle:
- Annual
- Recommended Propagation Strategy:
- Seed
- Country Or Region Of Origin:
- North and South America
- Wildlife Value:
- The flowers are pollinated primarily by wasps including paper wasps, hornets, eumenine wasps, and spider wasps. Other insect visitors include long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, and Tachinid flies. The seeds are wind-dispersed and are used as a minor food source by birds.
Whole Plant Traits:
- Plant Type:
- Annual
- Native Plant
- Weed
- Habit/Form:
- Clumping
- Multi-stemmed
- Growth Rate:
- Rapid
- Maintenance:
- High
Cultural Conditions:
- Light:
- Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day)
- Soil Texture:
- Shallow Rocky
- Soil Drainage:
- Moist
- Occasionally Dry
- NC Region:
- Coastal
- Mountains
- Piedmont
- Fruit Color:
- Brown/Copper
- White
- Fruit Type:
- Achene
- Fruit Description:
- Seeds are in small, dandelion-like globes (small, wispy achenes) and are dispersed by wind.
- Flower Color:
- Cream/Tan
- White
- Flower Inflorescence:
- Head
- Panicle
- Flower Bloom Time:
- Summer
- Flower Description:
- Flowers lack petals but are white or cream-colored budlike and these head flowers are clustered in a panicle at the end of branches.
- Leaf Color:
- Gold/Yellow
- Green
- Leaf Value To Gardener:
- Fragrant
- Leaf Type:
- Simple
- Leaf Arrangement:
- Alternate
- Leaf Shape:
- Elliptical
- Lanceolate
- Leaf Margin:
- Lobed
- Serrate
- Hairs Present:
- Yes
- Leaf Length:
- > 6 inches
- Leaf Width:
- 1-3 inches
- Leaf Description:
- Seedlings have elliptic leaves with finely toothed margins; midveins are often tinged red. As plants mature, the toothed leaves clasp to the stem. The basal leaves are large. Crushed leaves can have an unpleasant fragrance. 8" long and 3" inches wide leaves are sparsly hairy on the underside especially along the midrib and veins. Lower leaves are lance shaped as leaves asend up the stems the petoles get smaller until the leaves clasp the stem. Pinnate vein pattern.
- Stem Color:
- Green
- Stem Is Aromatic:
- No
- Stem Cross Section:
- Round
- Stem Surface:
- Hairy (pubescent)
- Stem Description:
- Brittle stems with a single main stem branching as it flowers upright darker green vertical ridges and round cross section sparsly hairy.
- Landscape Theme:
- Native Garden
- Attracts:
- Pollinators
- Predatory Insects
- Resistance To Challenges:
- Urban Conditions
- Problems:
- Malodorous
- Weedy