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Courtyard Entrance Garden


This courtyard garden is located at the entrance to the front door of a home in Moore County. It is on the south side of the house and gets full sun in the afternoon. The original planting in the courtyard was installed twenty years ago. Two years ago, many of the plants were showing a decline in health, and after investigation, it was discovered that their roots were suffering from nematode infestation. The susceptible plants were gardenia, Indian hawthorn, and liriope. They were removed and the sandy soil improved with compost and composted manure. Camellia sasanqua remained in the planting, as it was not damaged by the nematodes. Research was done to find plants not susceptible to nematodes, and these were planted. Also, Sandhills native plants were incorporated along with the standard landscape plants. Easy-care plants that contribute to supplying food for bees and butterflies were desired.