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We couldn't find any plants using the term "native plants". Were you looking for one of these?
Callisia repens Common name(s): Creeping Basket Plant, Creeping Inch-Plant, Inch Plant, Turtle Vine Previously known as: Hapalanthus repens, Tradescantia callisia, Tradescantia repens Eriogonum inflatum Common name(s): Bladder-Stem, Bottle Stopper, Desert Trumpet, Desert Trumpets, Guinagua, Indian Pipeweed, Native American Pipeweed Muehlenbeckia Common name(s): Centipede Plant, Climbing Lignum, Creeping Pohuehue, Creeping Wire Vine, Lacy Wire Vine, Maidenhair, Matted Lignum, Native Sarsaparilla, Ribbonbush, Sprawling Wirevine, Tapeworm Plant, Wandering Wire Vine, Wire VineTry a full search for native