Deutzia gracilis
Common Name(s):
Previously known as:
- Deutzia nagurai
- Phonetic Spelling
- DOOT-zee-uh gra-SILL-is
- Description
Slender deutzia is a rounded, deciduous shrub with slender spreading and arching stems that grows 2 to 5 feet tall. The shrub has dark green leaves and tiny white fragrant flowers that cover the plant in the spring. It is a member of the Hydrangeaceae or hydrangea family.
It is native to Central and Southern Japan and has been introduced to China North-Central, China Southeast, and in the States of Alabama, Georgia, and Maryland.
The genus name, Deutzia, honors a Dutch amateur botanist from the 1700s, Johan van der Deutz. The species name, gracilis, is Latin for "graceful" or "slender,"
Slender Deutzia flowers best in full sun, but partial shade is tolerated. In very hot summer climates, this shrub would benefit from afternoon shade. The plant prefers moist, well-drained soils of most types and is pH adaptable. Its appearance will be unkempt looking if left unpruned. Annual pruning is recommended immediately after flowering. Keep in mind when pruning that blossoms will appear on old growth. It can be propagated by softwood cuttings in the summer. This plant is seldom damaged by deer and is drought tolerant. It is very adaptable to adverse conditions including transplanting, cold, pollution, and diseases.
The stems are brown and smooth, and the leaves are ovate to lanceolate with serrated margins. Slender Deutzia is a heavy bloomer with narrow clusters of white, bell, or star-shaped flowers. The buds are pin-head sized in contrast to those of Exchorda racemosa which are pearl-sized.
Consider the Slender Deutzia for a Cottage Garden, border garden, foundation planting, or formal hedge. The cultivar, 'Nikko' is considered one of the best Deutzia cultivars because it is low growing. It is ideal for small gardens and has abundant clusters of white flowers in the spring and burgundy fall foliage. This plant received the Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society and was also the winner of the Gold Medal Award of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.
Seasons of Interest:
Bloom: Spring Foliage: Spring and Summer
Quick ID Hints:
- dense, rounded deciduous shrub with spreading and arching brown smooth stems
- bright to deep green simple, opposite, ovate to lanceolate leaves with serrated margins, hairy on the upper and lower surface
- clusters of the brilliant white bell to star-shaped flowers
- half-circle shaped fruit capsule
Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems: Slender Deutzia is generally pest and disease-free. Aphids and leaf miners may be occasional insect pests. The chlorophyll can bleach out of leaves in high sun conditions. The shrub needs to be protected from late spring frosts.
There are more than 60 species of Deutzia. Some species and cultivars may have been sold or traded under incorrect names. A study was completed by William G. Hembree, Thomas Ranney, Nathan P. Lynch, and Brian E. Jackson at North Carolina State University to correct and update the species names for the cultivars studied. The study was published in the Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science and is entitled, "Identification, Genome Sizes and Ploidy of Deutzia." The cultivar "Pink Minor" was rekeyed to the species of Deutzia gracilis instead of Deutzia scabra.
Learn more about Deutzia.
- See this plant in the following landscape:
- Cultivars / Varieties:
- 'Duncan' or 'Chardonnay Pearls'
Compact shrub with lime yellow leaves, pearl-like buds, white flowers - 'Nikko'
Dwarf, dense, rounded shrub with abundant clusters of white flowers, fall foliage color - 'Nikko Dawn'
- 'Pink Minor'
- 'Duncan' or 'Chardonnay Pearls'
- 'Duncan' or 'Chardonnay Pearls', 'Nikko', 'Nikko Dawn', 'Pink Minor'
- Tags:

- Cultivars / Varieties:
- 'Duncan' or 'Chardonnay Pearls'
Compact shrub with lime yellow leaves, pearl-like buds, white flowers - 'Nikko'
Dwarf, dense, rounded shrub with abundant clusters of white flowers, fall foliage color - 'Nikko Dawn'
- 'Pink Minor'
- 'Duncan' or 'Chardonnay Pearls'
- 'Duncan' or 'Chardonnay Pearls', 'Nikko', 'Nikko Dawn', 'Pink Minor'
- Tags:
- Genus:
- Deutzia
- Species:
- gracilis
- Family:
- Hydrangeaceae
- Life Cycle:
- Woody
- Recommended Propagation Strategy:
- Stem Cutting
- Country Or Region Of Origin:
- Central & South Japan
- Distribution:
- Native: Japan; Introduced: China North-Central, China Southeast, and the United States--AL, GA, and MD
- Play Value:
- Attractive Flowers
- Easy to Grow
- Fragrance
- Particularly Resistant To (Insects/Diseases/Other Problems):
- This plant is seldom damaged from deer. Drought tolerant.
- Dimensions:
- Height: 2 ft. 0 in. - 5 ft. 0 in.
- Width: 3 ft. 0 in. - 4 ft. 0 in.
Whole Plant Traits:
- Plant Type:
- Shrub
- Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics:
- Deciduous
- Habit/Form:
- Arching
- Dense
- Erect
- Mounding
- Rounded
- Spreading
- Maintenance:
- Low
- Texture:
- Medium
Cultural Conditions:
- Light:
- Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day)
- Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours)
- Soil Texture:
- Clay
- Loam (Silt)
- Sand
- Soil pH:
- Acid (<6.0)
- Alkaline (>8.0)
- Neutral (6.0-8.0)
- Soil Drainage:
- Good Drainage
- Moist
- Available Space To Plant:
- 3 feet-6 feet
- NC Region:
- Coastal
- Mountains
- Piedmont
- USDA Plant Hardiness Zone:
- 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b
- Fruit Color:
- Brown/Copper
- Fruit Type:
- Capsule
- Fruit Length:
- < 1 inch
- Fruit Width:
- < 1 inch
- Fruit Description:
- The flowers are followed by a dehiscent, brown, half-circled-shaped capsule that measures 5 mm in diameter.
- Flower Color:
- White
- Flower Inflorescence:
- Raceme
- Flower Value To Gardener:
- Fragrant
- Showy
- Flower Bloom Time:
- Spring
- Flower Shape:
- Bell
- Star
- Flower Size:
- < 1 inch
- Flower Description:
- Each flower is pure white, bell-shaped or star-shaped, and measures 0.75-inches in diameter. They appear on 3 to 5 inches long racemes or narrow panicles of 12 to 25 flowers. They bloom from March to April on old wood and have a mild fragrance.
- Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics:
- Deciduous
- Leaf Color:
- Green
- Leaf Feel:
- Papery
- Deciduous Leaf Fall Color:
- Insignificant
- Leaf Type:
- Simple
- Leaf Arrangement:
- Opposite
- Leaf Shape:
- Lanceolate
- Oblong
- Leaf Margin:
- Serrate
- Hairs Present:
- Yes
- Leaf Length:
- 1-3 inches
- Leaf Width:
- < 1 inch
- Leaf Description:
- The leaves are opposite, simple, bright to deep green, and measure 1 to 3 inches long and 0.5 inches wide. They are ovate to lanceolate with rounded bases and pointed tips. The upper and lower surface of the leaf hairs, and the margins are serrated. They usually have no significant fall color except for the cultivar, 'Nikko,' which has burgundy fall foliage.
- Stem Color:
- Brown/Copper
- Stem Is Aromatic:
- No
- Stem Description:
- The stems are brown and smooth.
- Landscape Location:
- Container
- Woodland
- Landscape Theme:
- Drought Tolerant Garden
- Design Feature:
- Border
- Foundation Planting
- Hedge
- Small groups
- Resistance To Challenges:
- Deer
- Diseases
- Drought
- Pollution
- Salt