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Collector’s Garden


Name: Collector’s Garden

Open to the public? No


USDA Hardiness Zone: 

Extension Demonstration Garden? No

Approximate year the garden/landscape was established: 2011.

What to look for:  How do you deal with a passion for plants, lots of different plants, perennials, Japanese maples, hydrangeas, hostas and bulbs? You plant them, watch them grow, and enjoy them. 

A climbing hydrangea grows on an antique wrought iron panel in one corner of the yard. A grouping of miniature hostas, combined with a giant hosta and a variegated Japanese maple in a ceramic container, are part of the foundation planting.

Tall colorful plants, including the large coneflower (Rudbeckia maxima), the tallest of the coneflowers, stand high in the sunny bed. Yellow finches enjoy the coneflower seeds. Daylilies, a Japanese maple and conifers all add to the uniqueness of the bed.

This garden is the result of that passion for plants, especially unique plants. Each grouping of plants combines a variety of plants that enjoy similar conditions which encourages them to flourish. There is color and texture in the garden throughout the year. 

Horticulture: No special horticultural regimen.